Segundo, a fotógrafa Marianne Kjølner trata-se duma casa cor-de-rosa situada numas dunas em Denmark, um local bastante ventoso que dista 100 metros da costa, onde quase nada cresce. Logo, a árvore só poderia crescer abrigada, daí a estranha forma da mesma. Apesar da explicação bastante plausível, continuo a desconfiar duma intervenção humana.. ou talvez não, quem sabe se a natureza não é de facto espantosa a este ponto...
"This old pink house is situated at the old dunes, a few hundred meters from the west coast, a very windy place were there isn’t much that can grow. So the tree can only grow where it has shelter. It has looked this way always" said photographer Marianne Kjølner that snapped this pair of photographs of a bizarre tree in Denmark. I can’t help but think the tree might have had some helping human hands, but perhaps nature really is this awesome.
(via colossal)
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